Divi Theme – We Can Help

Divi Theme

We have been using Divi Theme builder for the last 3 years, this website is built on Divi – implementing the theme for users who required an easier way of adding content and displaying it the way they wanted to. Divi Theme by Elegant themes has a host of ready made layouts included ready to customise, built into the builder.
Whilst the learning curve with all builders can be steep a good knowledge of how to layout a webpage along with some html and css skills is essential, In my opinion a novice can theoretically build a simple website with no code by following youtube tutorials.

We love Divi it’s supporting our clients do less maintenance and more business. Integrating the Divi Theme with the business requirements is really easy to do with bolts ons. The age of web development is really putting the power of developers into the hands of the website owner and their team.

That said, being creative and developing a marketing plan which covers the business activities, its website, social media and advertising to deliver its message to the masses is now more important than ever, clarity of message, strength of brand, the personality of brand and most importantly the customer experience. This is a lot to get right without a dedicated marketing manager most businesses are moving to outsourcing their online marketing.

Divi enables easy user experience in updating, adding posts, pages and content integration with social media platforms and leveraging the power of the WordPress core along with its huge range of plugins, an eco system that powers 40% of websites worldwide.

For businesses who have a Divi website and need help with maintenance or tasks we offer a full done for you service for businesses who want to outsource their tasks, web support, marketing or online business functions we are happy to help.

  • We have a Divi website and need someone to manage it for us
  • We have a website that we want to move to DIvi Theme
  • I started my website but I no longer have the time to get it to where i need it
  • Our business uses the Divi theme and our developer is no longer available
  • I need help fixing my Divi / WordPress website

If you need help with a Divi website or to manage it for you please contact us.

Kulmedia Digital Studio

We offer “costs down solutions” compared to hiring a dedicated person/ department onto your payroll, often less than 50% of the costs of a role, interested in outsourcing to Kulmedia Digital Studio we can help you deliver your business goals and help with your bottom line. The new age of remote working enables us to dove tail into businesses globally – our dedication to your work is our key driver for success.

Contact Us

If you have a project in mind that you’d like to discuss, or if you need one of our services, leave us some contact info below and we’ll give you a call, or ping you an email (just let us know if you have a preference).

You can always use the chat in the bottom right corner of your browser to leave your enquiries and we will respond when online. Feel free to also email us on info@kulmedia.com

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Kulmedia Digital Studio

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Written By: Kamal Uddin

Posted on: Aug 21, 2021

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